Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Christopher Wilson

Date submitted
26 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to register as an interested party regarding the Sizewell C (SZC) DCO examination. For the following reasons, I ask that PINS recommend to the Secretary of State that the application be refused:- The site:- - is too small to safely house twin operational EPR reactors and its attendant infrastructure and waste storage - is vulnerable to rising sea levels, increased storm surges and more extreme weather events during the 150 years of operation/storage/decommissioning and EDF have not demonstrated the site can be protected - is in the heart of Suffolk Coast & Heaths AONB (which will be cut in two by the new link and access roads), adjacent to and close to numerous areas which form part of a mosaic of wildlife-rich habitats that have evolved over millennia- EDF’s proposals will fragment and degrade this valuable network causing cumulative net biodiversity loss- the precautionary principle needs to be applied - including the Sizewell B (SZB) relocation works, there will be 12-14 years of 24 hour per day noise, light, dust, vibration, air pollution (directly conflicting with the tranquillity attribute supporting the AONB’s designation) putting the health of Suffolk’s environment and people at risk, not just over the 900 acre development site but throughout the network of Suffolk roads leading to the A12/site and at the locations of the supporting infrastructure such as park and rides/freight management areas - hard sea defences will negatively impact coastal areas north and south of SZC - construction will be too great a hazard for the operation and staff of SZB - needs an access road over the SSSI causing unacceptable loss of habitat and risk of pollutants and water negatively impacting flora and fauna dependent on certain groundwater conditions - SZC’s buildings and pylons, being built on a raised platform, will have a hugely negative impact on the visual appearance of the AONB for miles around, directly conflicting with the landscape value attribute justifying the AONB’s designation - no realistic visualisations of construction activities in the DCO - DCO understates impact of the Beach Landing Facility on environment and coastal processes Other Concerns - unacceptable impact(including cumulative with SZB) of cooling intake pipes on marine life and wildlife that rely on them for food - unsustainable use of fresh and potable water - economic and employment benefits overstated and impact on existing businesses understated - carbon claims overstated- earliest that SZC could possibly help to contribute to carbon targets is 2040, totally undermining any claim for ‘urgent need’ to justify build - no calculation of full cradle to cradle carbon footprint lifecycle provided - road led construction strategy is unsustainable and totally unacceptable for residents and businesses impacted- existing rural roads unsuitable so any new infrastructure needed pre commencement of development - no statutory basis for build as EN6 not applicable as SZC not deployable by 2025 - intolerable burden of 6,000 workers on the health and lives of local communities - loss of access to footpaths, bridleways and cycle routes - no amount of mitigation or financial contributions could adequately compensate for the landscape and ecological damage SZC will inflict