Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Miss Helen Lesley Taylor

Date submitted
26 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

These are my concerns about Sizewell C: Site suitability • Development too large. Two new reactors will double the size of the existing nuclear site. • Coastal location presents flooding risk. Impacts on the whole Suffolk coastline are unknown. • Site adjacent to RSPB Minsmere, Sizewell Belts Nature Reserve, Suffolk Coast and Heaths AONB. • Eight other energy projects already planned for the East Anglian coast, all will impact Suffolk. No apparent national energy production strategy.. Community, economic and social impacts • Negative impact from increased traffic, light pollution and disruption to residents. • Impact of 6,000 extra workers in a rural area. • Loss of tourism and impact on local businesses and employment. • Demand for private rented housing and effect on local people seeking accommodation. • Loss to local businesses from delays caused by traffic congestion. Loss of employees to Sizewell employment opportunities. • Extra demand on Suffolk’s Health, emergency and social services will impact all residents, in particular vulnerable local people. Transport • Road based transport plan proposed produces extra 1,000 HGV’s per day at peak of construction. Negative impact from noise, vibration and poor air quality. • A12 between Ipswich and Lowestoft has several existing congestion points. Housing development built or planned in Melton, Wickham Market, Saxmundham, Framlingham and Leiston will impact A12. Additional HGV traffic from Scottish Power’s Wind Farm construction in Friston using A12. • Impact on B1078 – already an unofficial “North Ipswich relief road” and route for traffic travelling from West to East. Traffic passing through Wickham Market on B1078, narrow streets and pavements, parked cars, HGV’s and busses unable to pass due to narrow roads in village. • Traffic generated to and from Southern Park and Ride to local shops in Wickham Market will use High Street, narrow streets and pavements, parked cars, existing pinch points, bus route, congestion. • Light, noise and visual impact on residents due to size and activity levels at Southern Park and Ride. Few design mitigation ideas suggested locally have been adopted by EDF. • Scant detail from EDF on traffic management and mitigation for Wickham Market. • Concern that vans and cars will not use EDF “preferred route” of A14/A12 to reach site and will be using B1078 and other minor roads. How will EDF prevent this happening? • Potential for more vehicles using “rat runs” to avoid congestion and delay. Environmental • Damage to nationally important neighbouring RSPB Minsmere Reserve. • Destruction of SSSI land within Sizewell Belts Nature Reserve by construction of site access road. Impact on wildlife, particularly bats. • Effect on Sizewell Belts water levels. • Loss of public footpaths and local access areas. • Additional pylons should be undergrounded. • Impossible to compensate for loss of landscape and ecological damage in this exceptional area. I support the relevant representations made by Stop Sizewell C, Suffolk Wildlife Trust and Wickham Market Parish Council. The size and impact of this development means a full examination hearing is essential.