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Representation by B Chocolates Suffolk Ltd (B Chocolates Suffolk Ltd)

Date submitted
26 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have an interest in the Sizewell C development consent sent to the Planning Inspectorate. I am a local business that will be directly and adversely impacted by the proposed development. These are the issues of concern to my business: Environmental impacts to an AONB which has nationally significant nature and wildlife reserves directly in the vicinity of the development. Health impacts - we have a higher incidence of respiratory disease in the region and the increased leveles of particulates from road congestion and high volumes of heavy goods vehicles will have an advers impact on respiratory health. Economic impacts - local studies and lessons from Dorset indicate a significant downturn in tourism during construction. it is clear that when a large part of the coastal area that draws vistors is subject to road disruption, congestion, noise and buiding dust pollution, people are not attracted to it as a holiday destination. My business is significantly relliant on visitor sales. Clean technology - nuclear reactors provide technology that is in decline and presents us with appalling problems (as yet not solved) of nuclear waste. When we are in a climate emergency, we cannot continue to behave as if nuclear is a viable option. Other technologies have come on fast and provide for a green economic bounce that is more sustainable.