Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Kenneth Parry Brown

Date submitted
26 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

SIZEWELL C I accept that the decision on whether or not the power station is built will be made by the Government, however, assuming that the decision is made to build the station, I am mindful of the likely effects upon the village where I live and in the neighbouring area. I foresee that the major impact will be pollution by traffic, both of noxious exhaust fumes, vibration and noise and make the following comments: 1. Infrastructure works The plans submitted note the effects on properties of the construction of works such as the roundabout at Yoxford, but then ignore the on-going consequences. 2. HGVs I note that there will be a Delivery Management System (DMS) controlling all vehicles over 1.5 tons unladen weight. There needs to be a strict and enforced ban on HGVs use the A1120 both going to and returning from the development site. In addition there should be a ban on non-essential LGV traffic using A1120. The DMS will monitor HGVs travelling to the site but the proposal fails to indicate similar strict controls on vehicles leaving it. There should be an installation of an ANPR camera in Peasenhall linked into the DMS to back up contractual controls. 3. Workforce Accommodation and Travel The proposal indicates that there will be required 5,500 workers not in campus accommodation plus another 600 associated personnel living at home. The Gravity model used to assess the likely location of the their accommodation is flawed. The model indicates travel of up to 90 minutes travel to site (including 30 minutes from arrival at a Park and Ride facility to start on site). The model indicates travel from north of Norwich and South of Colchester. It almost totally omits the instance of travel from the west: 6 workers may live in Earl Soham. Use of Route Planners would indicate that places such as Bury St Edmunds to the west and Stradbroke to the north-west are all within the time parameter and the planner indicates that the shortest route from these places is via A1120. Many of the construction workers will choose to live in such places as Stonham Barns, just as those employed by BT and its contractors have been doing for some time. The traffic analysis in the proposal documents indicates an extra 250 movements per day on A1120 including white van traffic. The assumption is therefore that must be that there will be almost no worker traffic – I believe that this is wrong and that there will be much more use of A1120. 4. Shift Hours It appears that the shift times proposed will mean worker traffic through the village both early in the morning (from 5.00am) and late at night (after midnight), increase during daylight hours is of lesser interest as the increase will not be too significant. The village of Peasenhall is strung along the A1120 with many houses opening on to the road without front gardens. Measures are needed to stop noise pollution, such as sound insulation grants. I also suggest that a Speed camera be installed.