Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Carole Taylor

Date submitted
26 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  • The site for which this development is proposed is entirely unsuitable: too small for the size of 2 reactors planned; disastrous effect on neighbouring sites of ecological importance RSPB Minsmere has long been a site of international importance; The development will cause irreparable harm to the wild life; the necessity for millions of litres of potable water has not been sufficiently considered as to the effect on the local environment; no consideration has been shown of potential coastal flooding. - As far as we can see no consideration has been made for the legacy this development will leave. More dangerous nuclear waste buried for hundreds of years on top of that already sitting in adjacent sites. - The admission of over 900 lorries per day will cause untold damage on local communities along the A12 which is already unfit for its present purpose. New proposed roads will divide communities and farmland and cause a high level of light, noise, air pollution. These disruptions have not been thought through by the Applicant. - Tourism will be severely effected thus losing the economy of the area millions of pounds and hundreds of jobs. (Even EDF admits to the harm it will do). - Local community will be severely effected by the housing of over 2000 workers in one campus, causing unsociable behaviour, excess traffic, light and noise pollution.