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Representation by Judith Condon

Date submitted
26 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I believe that the proposed further development of Sizewell is on a scale and of a nature that will cause incalculable and irreparable damage to the local environment both in the medium and long term; in particular to Minsmere and to sensitive coastal and inland sites of ecological importance. The issue of climate change and potential inundation from the sea has been inadequately addressed. This is an out-dated and wrongly-sited project that will disrupt and harm local communities, both in its construction and operational phases. The dangers to public health arising from siting a large construction camp in this rural area; and from the transportation of massive plant, machinery and materials have been given insufficient weight in costing the project; likewise the cost to future generations of storing waste. I am the author of the book "Chernobyl and Other Nuclear Accidents" published by Wayland Books which considers the falsehoods and disregard of environmental risk that have characterised the nuclear industry from its inception, whether at Three Mile Island, or Windscale, or in the Soviet Union. I am a member of the RSPB. I wish to endorse the Relevant Representation submitted by the campaign group Stop Sizewell C.