Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Simon Kerr

Date submitted
26 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C: 1. Site Selection • Adverse impact on adjacent internationally designated sites of ecological importance and sites of amenity, cultural heritage and landscape value • Site at risk from climate change, sea level rise and flooding. 2. Community, Economic and Social Impacts • Unacceptable impact on local communities including traffic, significant increases in noise, light pollution and disruption • 6,000 workers will come and live in the area with 2,400 in a worker campus which is likely to affect community cohesion • Effect on visitor economy with tourism potentially losing up to £40m a year and 400 jobs as visitors are deterred • Pressure on local housing • Pressure on health, social and emergency services including impacts on vulnerable people (especially during the Covid pandemic). 3. Transport • Road based transport plan not sustainable; enormous and adverse impact on both local communities and the visitor economy • Delay in the construction of new road infrastructure means nearby villages would endure 2-3 years of increased traffic • New roads would sever communities, damage the rural footpath system and divide farmland. 4. Environment and Landscape • Construction severs the AONB • Catastrophic impact on landscape character because of locality, design and scale • Irreparable harm to Minsmere, a flagship destination of international importance • Impossible to compensate adequately for landscape and ecological damage. 5. Marine and Coastal processes • Ecological and flood risk impacts on coastal processes • Rates of erosion and recession episodic and unpredictable • Impacts on marine ecology.