Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Paul White

Date submitted
27 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Apart from not wanting China General Nuclear Power Group ANYWHERE near this development, I am a life fellow of the RSPB who run a reserve adjacent to Sizewell. It is my opinion that construction of this waste of tax-payers money (EDF will be looking to UK Government to help withfinancing) may easily damage the finely balanced local ecosystems. It is a Site of Special Scientific I nterest, an SPA (European designation of rare and vulnerable birds) an SAC (European designation to protect habitats and wildlife species) and a Ramsar site (International site of wetland importance) If there would be no damage to the areas biodiversity, why would EDF say they want to create fenland to offset the damage? Here's an idea, rather than setting out on an unwanted economic nightmare and having to repair environmental damage by creating new wetlands, why not avoid any damage in the first place?