Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Ruth Redgrave

Date submitted
27 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My concerns re EDF's DCO application are: 1. Site Selection I believe that the site at Sizewell is at risk from climate change, sea level rise and flooding. Coastal erosion and processes could impact on the safety of the plant in the future. There will be an adverse impact on nearby bird reserve and AONB, devaluing the area for wildlife and local people and visitors who value the area for its tranquility and peace. The site will contain 5 nuclear reactors and stored waste and other uncoordinated energy projects planned for the locality, will be a hideous sight and affect everyone for future generations. 2. Community, Economic and social impacts There will be unacceptable noise, traffic, light pollution and contaminants from the work, impacting on local people. Tourism may lose up to £40m a year and 400 jobs. EDF surveys suggest 29% of visitors could be deterred. However, since COVID-19, I believe most people have come to value local natural environments much more than when this survey was undertaken, therefore many more people would value an un-industrialised coastline. Due to the number of extra people coming to work and live in the area there will be more pressure on health, social and emergency services infastructure, meaning more impact on vulnerable people. 3. Transport Road based transport plan is not sustainable; there will be an enormous and adverse impact on local communities and the visitor economy. HGV numbers are as high as those under “Road-Led” proposals rejected by all statutory consultees in consultations New roads would sever communities, damage the rural footpath system and divide farmland. Alternative relief road routes with legacy value have not been adequately assessed by EDF 4. Environment and Landscape Development would result in pollution from light, noise and traffic. Dust management for spoil heaps and stockpiles inadequate, with unknown affects on lung health locally. Impact of the proposed borrow pits and landfill have been fully addressed. There will be irreparable damage to Minsmere and the wider area of natural habitats. loss of Marsh Harriers will threaten the integrity of Special Protection Area Abstraction of water compounds risks to the environment and to protected species. There are unknown risks to groundwater levels and surrounding habitats and ecology and flood risks due to the loss of flood storage from the development site. There would be a catastrophic impact on landscape character because of locality, design and scale. It is impossible to compensate for landscape and ecological damage caused by a major industrial construction which is proposed. 5. Marine and Coastal processes There will be ecological and flood risk impact on coastal processes from the hard coastal defence feature proposed. There is no complete design of the HCDF available. Erosion and recession is episodic and unpredictable and could affect the safety of the public by this construction. There will be impacts on marine ecology and are seas are already in peril.