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Representation by B1122 Action Group on Sizewell (B1122 Action Group on Sizewell)

Date submitted
27 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Relevant Representations of the B1122 Action Group on Sizewell The B1122 Action Group represents the communities along the B1122 in relation to the issues raised by Sizewell C. It includes parish councillors from Middleton, Theberton and Yoxford Parish Councils as well as residents living on or near the B1122. Transport strategy - EDF’s road-based transport strategy is not acceptable. It would have an unreasonable adverse impact on local communities, and significantly damage the important tourism economy. - The strategy will overwhelm eastern Suffolk’s already challenged road network, especially at the Orwell Bridge, notwithstanding the limited bypasses proposed. - There has been insufficient justification for the rejection of extensive rail use. - There has been insufficient consideration of the combined traffic impacts of up to eight other energy projects planned for the area which would use the same road network. Sizewell Link Road - EDF has failed to justify their choice of route for the Sizewell Link Road adequately. - The route proposed will have a significant negative impact on the landscape and heritage assets with substantial embankments and cuttings. It runs too close to the villages being by-passed, will divide parishes, damage the rights of way network, make farms and fields uneconomic and will have no legacy use after construction of Sizewell C. - Alternative routes with a lesser impact and greater legacy value have been dismissed by EDF with insufficient justification. ‘Early years’ use of the existing B1122 - EDF proposes to run high numbers of HGVs along the existing B1122 to the site for at least two ‘Early Years’ before the proposed Link Road is available. These numbers are close to those planned once the road is complete. This would place an unreasonable burden on residents along and near the B1122, with consequent road safety dangers, noise, pollution and vibration damage to properties. - Mitigation and compensation for these impacts have not been sufficiently detailed in the application. - These high ‘Early Years’ HGV numbers were not presented in the Consultations. - Any Link Road needs to be operational before Sizewell C site preparation and construction starts. Worker accommodation ‘campus’ - The ‘campus’ would have significant impacts on local communities during construction and thereafter because of noise, light, pollution, traffic and social pressures. - The developer does not provide sufficient justification for its location and impacts. - Alternative locations offered by Suffolk County Council C have not been seriously considered. - No legacy use for the ‘campus’ buildings or site has been proposed other than a return to farmland. We wish to endorse the Relevant Representations submitted by Stop Sizewell C, and Middleton and Theberton Parish Councils. We wish to state that we consider the Sizewell C application to be totally unsuitable for a digital examination process.