Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Griff Chamberlain

Date submitted
27 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C. 1. The location of the site • The site is at risk of rising sea levels and flooding as predicted by climate change studies • Academic studies of the coastal processes with increased sea levels predict that the immediate coastline will be vulnerable to erosion • Historic studies of the coastline demonstrate its vulnerability 2. The effect on local communities • Impact on the local area due to increased traffic • Impact on immediate towns which already have inadequate parking facilities and inadequate town roads • Impact on local housing and increased rents for local people caused by demand for property • Impacts on local health facilities and on the local emergency services • Impact of local area from road, noise and light pollution from both the site itself and the traffic it generates • No clear emergency evacuation procedures in the event of an adverse event during the build at Sizewell B considering the increased local population and increased traffic on local roads 3. Roads and Transport • The lack of direct road links to the major transport network such as the A12/A14 dual carriageways and no immediate access to motorway network. • The country lanes and roads that will be used as rat runs • The provision of a 90 minute commute journey will put increased pressure on roads throughout East Anglia and is not conducive to providing a green solution • The road based transport plan will have an enormous and adverse effect of the local community 5. Pedestrian access and footpath routes • Removal of well used public rights of way with no reasonable alternative • Lack of pedestrian access along local quiet lanes which will see a higher rate of traffic • Rerouting of long distance paths such as the Sandlings with no adequate rural alternative • Temporary closure of the coast path, which will have the status of being part of the England Coast path during the build 4. Local Landscape and Tourism • Damage to the ecology and environment at RSPB Minsmere, a national treasure, • The AONB will be cut in half, an area that is regularly used by walkers and visitors who use Sizewell as the base to access the coast northwards • Decline in tourism due to the area being labelled as a construction site and marketed as Energy Coast which both give the impression of an industrial estate 5. Green Policy Taking into account the enormous amount of construction, the timescales for decommissioning, the obvious effort that will be involved in keeping the sea at bay in the future, and the large distances workers will commute can this really be considered as a viable zero CO2 option. I wish to endorse the Relevant Representation submitted by Stop Sizewell C. I wish to state that I consider the Sizewell C application to be totally unsuitable for a digital examination process.