Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Michael Bradshaw

Date submitted
27 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am opposed to the application on a number of grounds as follows: 1. I do not believe that we need more nuclear power stations. The pace of change in renewable generation and battery storage is such that this developments is already an expensive white elephant. 2. The environmental impact of the development will be hugely damaging to the area. The scale of traffic and the damage to ecosystems as a result of the development are unacceptable given the AONB status of the coastline. 3. The development would damage the local tourist economy and the alleged economic benefits to the area are largely illusory given that most of the workforce will come from outside the area. 4. The coastline is eroding at a pace in the area as witnessed by the recent cliff falls at Thorpeness. It has to be folly of a high order to build this structure on an unstable shore. 5. The RSPB reserve at Minsmere is of national importance. The damage caused to this could be immense. Thank you for considering my representation. Michael Bradshaw