Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by John Horsnell

Date submitted
27 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Why is the Government allowing the Chinese General Nuclear involvement to be a major State Holder in Sizewell C Project will State Security and Technology be an Issue which is highly controversial Sizewell C are proposing TWO trouble prone European Pressurised Reactors (ERP's) which are still to be proven either reliable or cost effective Why do we need another Nuclear Power station on the lovely Suffolk Coastline when there are so many Solar, Off Shore Wind and Renewable Projects being built by EDF I believe its NOT acceptable for the Government to APPROVE the building of Sizewell C which will cause 9-12 years of TOTAL TRAFFIC CONGESTION & POLLUTION loss of Tourism for Suffolk and Norfolk EDF have NOT provided sufficient detail in there submissions to date regarding lessons learned from Hinkey Point the OVERALL PROJECT RISKS, S106 Mitigation measures to cover infrastructures local community issues also Road/Rail led Transport to from site DESIGN/CONSTRUCTION issues with Pylons Power Cables routes across the countryside with all manor of Environmental issues remaining unanswered and lastly major concerns with numerous OPEN ISSUES still to CLOSE OUT EDF have not been transparent with their non attendance of meetings to work and liaise with Local Committees, lack of providing insufficient detailed design & technical information and feed-back which is greatly lacking in this DCO submission I understand by APPROVING Sizewell C will create many Construction Jobs in the building Phase and many in the operational Phase of Running the Power Station i welcome these opportunities for the future of our youth and the skills that this project will create but this will not outweigh the Economical Cost to the area and with losses of AONB and BIODIVERSITY this project should be NOT BE APPROVED