Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Lindsay Carrier

Date submitted
27 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am very concerned about the proposals for Sizewell C on environmental grounds ,the impact on local communities ,tourism in the local area and businesses which depend on this .Sea levels and erosion also concern me in terms of the safety of planning a new reactor I am concerned about the damage to the coastal area through increased traffic in local villages and the destruction of wild life habitat for a project which is behind its time ,almost anachronistic .This area is currently important for birds and wildlife and this project risks this area becoming industrially focussed and destroying this important aspect of Suffolk life which draws people here .The knock on effect of this will be damage to tourism which many communities locally rely on,in Orford where I live this is certainly so .The nature of the coast will be changed and alongside this the traffic which will spread across the East of the county due to tailbacks and rat runs .Once new roads to cope are in place ,the destruction will be complete . I am also concerned about sea levels and erosion and the dangers inherent in this plan which has not been fully considered I realise that we Energy but we need to be focusing on other forms of energy generation