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Representation by Chadwick Family (Chadwick Family)

Date submitted
27 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  1. Site Selection Sizewell is not the place for two more nuclear reactors when changing technology may make such proposed development obsolete • Too close to, adversely affecting internationally designated sites of ecological importance, local landscape, amenity, heritage sites • Climate change, rising sea levels, flooding risk jeopardise the site, which could end up an island of five nuclear reactors and their waste • Coastal processes may change north and south - fragile coastline • Eight other uncoordinated energy projects proposed for this part of east Suffolk. Cumulative impact must be properly assessed 2. Community, Economic and Social Impacts • Intolerable impact on local communities – huge traffic increase, landscape destruction, noise, air, light pollution • 6,000 workers living here will cause social disruption, take up tourist and local private rental accommodation. 2,400 worker campus at Eastbridge, near Leiston, only three times that population, completely unacceptable • Tourism, a major local economy, will be severely impacted. Up to £40m a year, 400 jobs lost • EDF plan to use local people for 90% of lower skilled/paid roles in site support. Management, ie higher salaried, people will be brought in • Additional pressures on hard pressed local health, social and emergency services • Local businesses will lose staff to EDF, commerce reduced by increased traffic 3. Transport • Road based transport plan is unsupportable, badly impacting local communities and tourism on inadequate road infrastructure. HGV levels unacceptably high. Rat runs will develop, eg main road through our village, Snape • New, badly planned roads will divide communities and farms, disrupt local footpaths and provide no legacy value (so EDF suggested removal after construction!) 4. Environment and Landscape • Landscape and ecological damage will be permanent, irreplaceable • Destruction of wonderful landscape, dark skies, tranquility in huge construction area around Sizewell, well beyond • Construction bringing heavy traffic, noise, dust, light pollution • Spoil heap, borrow pit, landfill management inadequately addressed • Water level disruption cannot be properly assessed; could cause flooding; drainage problems for protected sites and their ecologies • Permanent damage to Minsmere, SSSIs. Unsettlement of Marsh Harriers, other protected species; inadequate mitigation • Construction CO2 releases not compensated for until 2040 5. Marine and Coastal processes • Impacts on coastal processes cannot be properly assessed with no complete design of proposed hard coastal defences • Beach Landing facility will impact the constantly changing and eroding coast 6. Other • EDF financial status questionable. China Nuclear Power partnership dubious • EDF notorious for late delivery of nuclear power – Hinkley 3 years, Flamanville, France, 11 years late • EPR technology not reliable. Problems in Finland and Flamanville • Application should not have been submitted while Covid-19 still rampant. This will do nothing for local economy recovery. • A digital examination process would not be suitable for examination of this application. Too much has not been assessed or made clear by EDF, too many elderly people would be excluded; too much could be missed. • We fully endorse Stop Sizewell C’s Relevant Representation.