Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Daryl Ash

Date submitted
27 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Site position. The Proposed site is in AONB and is just too big. This is a potential flood area so increase in water from site increases this risk. Impact on RSPB, a world renowned nature reserve will be devastating and will never recover. Loss of revenue for this charity. Other energy projects are planned for this area and therefore impact of all of these will be too great. Community, social and economic Impact on Eastbridge and Theberton would be catastrophic. The quality of life in these two villages would be destroyed. EDF have shown no concern about this impact, loss of farms, livestock and livelihoods. The noise, dirt, dust and light pollution would be unbearable. The site workers campus is just unacceptable. 6,000 workers descending on a hamlet of 50 people! EDF are very short sighted to think that workers would stay on campus. Traffic will increase with workers driving to towns for social life. Tourism will be devastated in this area. Jobs and businesses will be destroyed through lack of tourists. The jobs proposed by EDF will not compensate for this. Pressure on services with impact of extra people in the area. Not enough consideration has been given to how the fishing industry in this area will be affected. Former environment secretary, Ed Davey , believes Sizewell C is too expensive and more investment should be made in renewable energy. Transport EDF have had nine years to fully explore sea or rail transport but appeared to have failed to do this with road being the cheaper option but the greatest impact on the communities. New roads will not be a legacy, however improved rail links would have been beneficial. Farms would be divided by the new roads, footpaths would be destroyed. The increase in traffic and HGV. Environment Risk of flooding Water supply to communities could be affected because of amount of water required for proposed building works. More consideration for drainage, especially in respect of RSPB. Impact on minsmere sluice. Damage and impact to the environment will never be repaired. Application I wish to endorse the Relevant Representation submitted by Stop Sizewell C and RSBP. I wish to state that I consider the Sizewell C application to be totally unsuitable for a digital examination process.