Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Gina Gow

Date submitted
27 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to raise the following concerns about Sizewell C. 1. Site Selection The site is unsuitable The coast is one of the fastest eroding coasts in Europe The area will see rising sea levels and increased incidents of flooding Putting another large scale development will adversely affect other areas along the coast The site is within an AONB, will affect a nature reserve and sites of Special Scientific Interest The construction will adversely affect tourism, access to amenities, cultural heritage and areas of landscape value Eight other uncoordinated energy projects planned for the locality 2. Community, Economic and social impacts Impacts on local communities - noise, light and air pollution, traffic congestion, disruption of access to local landscapes. 6,000 workers will put stress on local infrastructure. Increased pressure in housing when local young people already struggle to find and afford accommodation Significant numbers of jobs for local people are likely to be lower-skilled and lower-paid Site Support. Local businesses are likely to see a fall as local people avoid the area during the construction phase. Access to nature is well documented to help mental health and wellbeing, this will be reduced. Predicted HGV numbers would be at level that other “Road-Led” proposals have rejected and will affect local villages for 2-3 years New roads would sever communities, damage the rural footpath system and divide farmland. 4. Wildlife, habitats and biodiversity Habitats for wildlife will be severely affected during construction and for many years to come in a time when the loss of habitats around UK is seeing dramatic decline for biodiversity Development would result in pollution from light, noise and traffic all severely affecting wildlife ability to move freely, communicate, find breeding mates, access food, hibernate and migrate effectively The area is an important migratory route for birds which already experiencing changing climate and reduced habitat and food Availability of freshwater is being impacted world wide the need for 3 million litres of water during construction and beyond is untenable - affecting not only the quality of water but also groundwater levels for wildlife and habitats Impossible to compensate for landscape and ecological damage The potential of huge damage of storing nuclear waste in such an ecologically sensitive area Impact of construction will be damaging on marine ecology and habitats At a time when the planet is seeing such pressure on wildlife and natural habitats it is wrong to proceed with a project which will cause damage in an area which supports significant biodiversity. I wish to endorse the Relevant Representation submitted by Stop Sizewell C, RSPB and SWT. I wish to state that I consider the Sizewell C application to be totally unsuitable for a digital examination process.