Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Jennifer Wilson

Date submitted
27 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I request PINS recommend to the Secretary of State that EDF’s application be refused because of the cumulative impact the project will have on the environment, people and businesses of Suffolk, for the reasons set out below:- Please note Suffolk residents have had immense strain put on their mental health due to the number of consultations regarding the many energy projects in East Suffolk. The overall impact if Sizewell C proceeds, on East Suffolk and the AONB will mean industrialisation of a rural area which is supposed to be protected by its many designations. It is no surprise that EDF did not postpone the process due to the Covid restrictions as it suits them that residents cannot properly scrutinise their plans. Maps have no grid references, the keys impossible to read. Information and detail are missing with excessive use of the Rochdale envelope, meaning it is impossible to make an informed opinion, therefore totally unsuitable for a digital examination. The Site:- At 32ha is too small to house 2 EPR reactors, its infrastructure and dry fuel store. Is in flood zones at risk from climate change, sea level rise and flooding with the possibility of it becoming a nuclear island. DCO documents fail to show how it can be kept safe for the 150 years of operation, storage and decommissioning or the impact of its hard sea defences on its neighbours. Located in Suffolk AONB with many national and international designation causing irreparable damage to RSPB Minsmere. Access road will devastate Sizewell Marsh SSSI cutting the AONB in two. Coupled with the Sizewell B (SZB) relocation, construction could take 12/14 years of 24/7 noise, dust, light, vibration, visual and air pollution spread over 900 acre main development site, accommodation blocks, spoil heaps, borrow pits, concrete batching plant all impact on the statutory purpose of the AONB to conserve and enhance natural beauty and tranquillity. Will degrade the Suffolk environment and health and wellbeing of residents. EDF underplay many aspects ie pylons, raised platform, Beach Landing Facility and close proximity to SZB site. Other Issues:- Sizewell was nominated as a potential site, EN6 is no longer applicable as SZC is not deployable by 2025. EDF rely on IROPI to justify build but urgent need for nuclear no longer applies. Many red-listed and endangered species at risk eg Marsh Harrier, Natterjack Toad and Barbastelle Bat. Considering how much mitigation and compensation is needed, EDF’s claim of net biodiversity gain must be challenged. The impact the cooling pipes will have on the marine environment and wildlife that rely on them for food eg Red Throated Diver, Harbour Porpoise is unacceptable It is impossible to compensate for SZC’s landscape and ecological damage. The road-led transport strategy is unsustainable and totally unacceptable. New roads, rail, park and rides are not mitigation, they are more environmental damage, meaning the destruction and pollution is spread throughout East Suffolk. Loss and diversion of many footpaths, bridleways and cycle routes. Employment and economic benefits overstated. Impact on existing businesses especially tourist industry and farming understated. Influx of 6000 workers highlights jobs are not for locals and puts resident’s health and well-being at risk. No calculation of full cradle to grave carbon footprint lifecycle evidenced in DCO. Which dept in government is responsible for checking this? EDF admit that earliest contribution SZC can make to carbon targets is 2040 making mockery of urgent need to justify build. Sizewell C makes a complete mockery of the government’s 25-year environmental plan. EDF admit that they do not have the Finance to carry out the project. Effect on residents of increase in low level radiation should be a consideration. Use of large amounts of mains water during construction and operation. Source still unknown. Impact on Emergency Plan.