Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Derek Eaton

Date submitted
27 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am very concerned about the proposals for Sizewell C. I am concerned about the potential damage to the Suffolk coastline and the negative impact that this will have on its rare species and habitats. The environmental damage proposed is not sufficiently mitigated by the current construction plans which have been put forward by EDF. I am also concerned that EDF have done little to reduce the impact that construction traffic will have upon East Suffolk's villages. There will be a huge increase in pollution in terms of air, noise and light because of EDF’s decision to move from sea to land based delivery of building materials. The congestion to the A12 and A14 will be unacceptable and there is a real risk that rat runs will be created by vehicles using the B1078 which runs through villages, past houses with families and children rather than main roads. The villages roads are too small, narrow and picturesque to accept any extra traffic. The beauty of the surrounding villages will be negatively impacted and the park and ride will be highly visible and an eye sore. In this respect, I am very concerned that EDF has failed to listen to the views of Suffolk's parishes and communities. There will also be a negative impact on tourism in terms of the changes to the coastal appearance and the traffic congestion which will be caused by the increase in HGVs and the traffic for workers heading to the proposed park and ride.