Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Nigel Robson

Date submitted
27 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to object to the proposed Sizewell C (and D) development for the following principle reason; the development is too large for the land available. As a consequence the adverse impact of the development is too great. In particular:- 1. It has a devastating Impact on the surrounding environment. It threatens the unique environment of the Sizewell marshes and the adjoining Minsmere bird reserve. 2. Its construction generates enormous volumes of road traffic which is not adequately catered for by the improvements proposed. Other delivery options (road and sea) and traffic routes need to be advanced to minimise the impact. 3. It requires huge numbers of construction personnel which are not adequately housed in a new campus in a tiny village, that offers no long term benefit to the area. 4. It is squeezed onto a strip of inherently unstable sea facing land which has to be protected by considerable man made defences. These appear, however, to be insufficient to address long term coastal erosion. Finally, I am concerned that the information provided by EDF to support its application is inadequate. No proper large scale images are provided of the site and its construction processes so their impact can not be properly judged; Staff numbers (erroneously described as “roles”) and therefore employment benefits are over stated; and historic landscapes are described as being replaced by newly created areas (you can not replace ancient features with new).