Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Kirsten Hecktermann

Date submitted
27 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

These are my concerns about the proposed Sizewell C development, I wish to register them: Having attended the last three consultations by EDF, reading the changes and discussing my concerns with various representatives, combined with attending other independent talks, meetings and films regarding EDF proposals, plans and the efficacy of their projects. I have formed these judgments opposing the development on the following grounds: The site: 1.The Site identified is too small. Environment: 2. This is the driest county in The UK, the fresh water needed for Sizewell C is likely to seriously impact this region, especially as forecasts are for hotter, drier summers. 3. Coastal erosion on this coastline is a huge issue for the future of a nuclear plant on this site. 4. The whole construction scenario will contribute to huge increases in carbon emissions and are worrying considering G4 summit targets…… Marine Issues: 5.The sea water intake system will undoubtedly kill millions of fish and marine life with its processing of the water. Amenities: 5. Both the construction and future running of Sizewell C will overwhelm and severely impact the surrounding ANOB area of this international as well a nationally important ecological site. I am very concerned about the long lasting and in some cases permanent damage to Minsmere reserve, and surrounding heritage area. It has taken years of work and nurturing to enable this deeply enriched area to thrive. It has become even more apparent during this pandemic how very important this region has been as a place of refuge for its beautiful coast and countryside. Some of these areas will be acquired by EDF and destroyed permanently. 8. The incredible amount of tourism and many cultural events that happen annually throughout this area and which are vastly important to the local economy will be substantially harmed. People will be deterred from coming here due to the high traffic, pollution and noise. Hotels and guest houses will be taken over. Traffic: 7. There are many small lanes and single track roads in my area which will undoubtably become rat runs, lethal lanes for cyclists and pedestrians as well as being gridlocked around the A12 with motorists trying to avoid the huge increase in construction traffic every day. These are dangerous unacceptable impacts to local residents and businesses plus severe road degradation. Access: 9. During Covid 19 it has been very difficult to view any documents, and almost impossible for those who have no access to computers. This review period should not have been allowed to proceed during these times. Yours Sincerely, Kirsten Hecktermann,[Redacted]