Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Dorothy Aitchison

Date submitted
28 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Sizewell C is not necessary for our future energy needs and will ring fence finances which would be more useful in developing other energy resources. Also pollution created by uranium mining is toxic for the environment and will destroy our earth's atmosphere as seriously as any greenhouse gas. An allowable quantity of radioactve discharge is permitted for nuclear power stations. The excuse given is that this is below background levels of radiation under normal operative situations. All nuclear power stations have had problems where more radiation has had to be discharged. Moreover, radiation poisons have specific areas of damage eg strontium is bone seeking and the body can mistake the element for calcium, storing it in bones with obvious health implications. Background radiation is mainly radon which is not safe either but we have lived with this for millenia. We should not be adding to the burden of radiation. There is no safe lower limit. re: the work of Sister Rosalie Bertell and Dr Alice Stewart.