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Representation by Jean Allan Holloway

Date submitted
28 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Scrutiny of the following Coastal defences Unacceptable impacts on local communities - severance, traffic, significant increases in noise, light pollution and disruption. Impact from influx of workers Visitor economy Pressure on health, social and emergency services, impacts on vulnerable people. Road based transport plan not sustainable; enormous and adverse impact on local communities and the visitor economy. HGV numbers are as high as those under “Road-Led” proposals rejected by all statutory consultees in consultations New roads would sever communities, damage the rural footpath system and divide farmland. Flooding Irreparable harm to Minsmere - a flagship destination of international importance and significance. Impacts on Marsh Harriers threaten integrity of Special Protection Area Ecological and flood risk impacts on coastal processes from hard coastal defence feature HCDF. No complete design of HCDF available Rates of erosion and recession episodic and unpredictable Impacts of Beach Landing Facility on coastal processes Impacts on marine ecology