Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Glynn Jones

Date submitted
28 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Sizewell C should not be built because The technology is not proven. After seventy years and billions of pounds, safety is still open to question, and how to dispose of waste has yet to be resolved. The reactor will be built by a state French company backed by Chinese finance. Our energy fate will be in the hands of a bitter traditional rival and an increasingly powerful potential enemy. There are other simpler, cheaper, environmentally more friendly, and increasingly effective alternatives i.e. wind, waves, and sun. The tariff EDF is guaranteed is far too high. Doubtless like all nuclear projects will end years behind schedule, and the UK government will have to bail it out. The number of local jobs created will be minuscule. The equivalent of those made redundant by a small supermarket chain in the pandemic. And the best ones will be filled not even by Brits, but by Chinese and Indian graduates. Local information officer, school trip guide is all we can look forward to. The damage to the local and world famous natural environment will be catastrophic. The area's narrow winding lanes will be clogged for a decade. The tourist trade, perhaps the greatest creator of local jobs will be undermined. Tourists don't visit power stations except when they are spectacularly demolished. The consequences of this vainglorious project will be with us forever. This is not like the Dome which will be with for a decade or two more. It's not even a decision for our life times. The consequences will be disastrous, and it creates more problems than it solves. It's in your backyard. Don't let it be built.