Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Miss Charlotte Zakss

Date submitted
28 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to the Sizewell C Project on the following grounds: - Environmental concerns including SSSI destruction, woodland felling, the quantity of water required and how this affects the fragile coastal surroundings and adjacent nature reserves, affects of shingle beaches further along and displacement of wildlfie. - The effect on tourism caused by noise, habitat destruction and loss of tranquility. - Social impacts on all nearby towns as a predominantly make work force infiltrates these spaces. - Transport - roads would inevitably be even busier causing excess road pollution, how does this affect students at Farlangaye High School amongst others. - Transport by rail - noise at all hours will cause sleep deprivation to all residents enroute . - Many footpaths will become unusable, which for walkers affects lives detrimentally. - Health- there is research that suggests living near a Nuclear Power Station increases the risks of leukaemia and infants. - I believe the Precautionary Principle and The Law of Ecocide relevant here and should be taken into account.