Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Lesley Walduck

Date submitted
28 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The proposed Sizewell C development would devastate the local environment, economy and the health and well-being of all those who live in, work in and visit our Parishes and Towns over a period of many years, impacting negatively on the whole of East Suffolk. The cumulative energy proposals - EDF’s Sizewell C, Galloper & Gabbard extensions, Scottish Power Renewables onshore development for offshore windfarms, National Grid’s substation and National Grid Ventures Interconnectors Nautilus & Eurolink for Belgium and Holland would destroy the character of this part of the Suffolk Coast forever. This chaotic shortsighted vandalism of our environment is completely unnecessary and has not been thought through. Residents and visitors place a high value on the peace, tranquillity and natural environment of our area - all of which would be at significant risk from the projects as currently planned. Tourism is the mainstay of coastal Suffolk’s economy, with a significant number of dependent jobs, and these proposals place this industry at high risk. Evidence shows that being close to nature benefits both physical and mental health, yet the industrialisation of the Suffolk coast would be life changing for our rural communities who are being ignored.