Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Sally Boast

Date submitted
28 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I live in a flint cottage that is in close proximity to the railway track that will be used to transport materials to the proposed construction site at Sizewell C. EDF have said that during the 'early years' phase, (when they build a rail link from Saxmundham to the construction site) there would be 4 freight train movements per night using this stretch of track, then (during the 'later years' of main site construction) there would be 5 freight train movements per night. This means a great deal of noise and vibration every one hour and 24 mins during the hours of 11pm and 6am. Currently, no mitigation measures have been suggested or offered by EDF. I am fearful not only for the effect the increase in rail traffic (apparently class 66 locomotive engines pulling 20 wagons which would either be full or empty depending upon their direction of travel) may have upon the fabric/structure of my property, but I am fearful for [Redacted]. We stand to be subjected to sleepless/disturbed nights for at least 10-12 years whilst construction takes place, should plans be approved. We already notice some vibration and noise caused by the occasional freight trains passing by. During the summer (when our windows are open for ventilation) the noise from the railway is naturally more noticeable but is tolerable because of the current (very limited night traffic). The odd train at night is far from what we will have to endure if Sizewell C is given the go-ahead. To be woken up every 1hour and 24mins for 10-12 yrs is unthinkable, especially for my husband who still works full time. I also have concerns surrounding the negative effect on local tourism, together with the impact on communities, environment and landscape that building Sizewell C could bring, but my main area of concern at this time is the personal impact that the increased night time rail movements will have on my health and potential longer term damage to my property.