Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Simon Frampton

Date submitted
28 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I, Simon Frampton OBJECT to this planning application until such time as the points below can fully calculated and advised nationwide to the British Public with absolute certainty. 1. Embedded Carbon Calculation –This calculation should start from when the raw materials are mined and converted into a usable product, including the transportation of the products. Then comes the amount of carbon created turning the usable products into machinery, construction materials, plant and associated elements to create a building. The last element is the transportation f labour to a factory, and construction site. This is a long winded and complex process that is never fully created due to its complexity and many assumptions are made. The lower value of construction the more assumptions are made. With the new reactor at Sizewell due to its enormous cost and long-term construction, there should be very minimal assumptions, especially as it is considered a Carbon Neutral producer of electricity. There is an offset calculation as everything has a embedded carbon. This calculation shows the breakeven point where the amount of embedded carbon has now been equalled by the lack of carbon being produced, by a carbon neutral technology. I feel it is extremely important that EDF and the Government carry out an in depth without assumption calculation of embedded carbon to build and bring online the new Sizewell reactor, this should include; a) The consultation process of travel for the interested parties, Government personnel, EDF Personnel, Academics, Consultant, Architects and all the other interested parties attending meetings and planning meeting. b) The Mining and Production of all raw material; Steel, Copper, Metals, Concrete Products, Reactor Fuel etc. c) The production process of turning the raw materials in to usable products for construction. d) The transportation of the above e) The manufacturing of the generators, the reactor, the supporting plant and the transportation between the assembly plants and the final transportation to the site f) The construction works, labour travelling to and from site, al the professional services travelling to meetings on and off of site. g) The new roads and rail infrastructure upgrades to allow the construction, including the raw materials and transportation (as above) h) The manufacture and installation of the new national electrical distribution network that will be required, including labour and raw materials as above. i) Until this is done accurately the claim of Carbon Neutral is only an assumption not a fact. 2. This is being look at as a local issue, when in fact it is a National and European issue, as the electrical power produced at Sizewell will be distributed beyond East Anglia and to Europe. a) Therefore, everyone who pays for this electricity has a say in how it is produced. b) The British Taxpayer will also be funding this through grants and reduced tax levy’s as it is a (yet to be fully proved) Carbon Neutral initiative. c) Therefore, the British Taxpayer should have a say on how their tax pounds are being allocated.