Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Clara Rose

Date submitted
28 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wanted to register my complaint against the proposed sizewell C. As a resident of the area the extra traffic, pollution both now and in the long term with radio active waste cannot benefit the area. With energy production available through so many other sources now is not the time to invest in aging, flawed energy production like nuclear. This investment should be in solar and wind energy. By the time this is built it will be out dated and in the meantime the areas roads will suffer as well as the residents suffering traffic noise, polution, and development on our already fragile coastline. The area, the wildlife and the residents all need tobe protected from this unnecessary, outdated development. Please stop this from being built, my children will not thank me if i stand by and do nothing. You should support their future and reject this development.