Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Robin Lansdell

Date submitted
28 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to the construction of Sizewell C because :- 1.The coast of East Anglia at Sizewell is the wrong location for a nuclear power station, due to the eastern side of England sinking, coupled with rising sea levels. There is a very real risk the site will be left as an island before its working life is over, or inundated by the sea. 2. The adverse effect of the the construction of the power station over a 12 year period on the AONB and the East Suffolk coast area generally will be much greater than any benefits from additional employment opportunities. 3. EDF has not maximised the deliveries of materials etc by sea or rail and has not minimised the use of a completely inadequate road system, to the detriment of many communities and villages in the vicinity of the East Suffolk coast and the A12. 4. The charges for the electricity produced will be excessive and way above thw charges for other carbon free power. 5. There is currently no means of ensuring the safe long term storage and disposal of the spent radioactive fuel.