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Representation by Highways England (Highways England)

Date submitted
28 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Highways England (HE) is appointed by the Secretary of State for Transport as a strategic highway company under the provisions of the Infrastructure Act 2015 and is the highway authority, traffic authority and street authority for the Strategic Road Network (SRN). In respect to this application, HE interest relates to the impact of the proposal on the A14 and A12 trunks and their connection with the local road network, ensuring that the SRN can continue to operate safely and efficiently during construction and operation. HE has been working closely with the promoter and Suffolk CC (SCC - local highway authority) on technical matters which have enabled us to narrow down the broader topics and specific matters which are considered requiring need to be addressed further during examination. Traffic Generation Estimates Discussions have focused on the assumptions that have been made regarding estimated traffic generation during construction. Currently, more clarity is needed on the quantities of materials, proportion of materials transported by transport modes and how these assumptions have been used to derive the number of HGVs. Linked to this, HE seeks more information on the assumed scheduling of construction traffic movements (including abnormal loads) as well assurances that rail is a realistic mode to transport materials and equipment to the construction site, as this will be an opportunity to reduce impacts from HGV traffic on the Strategic Road Network. Management of Construction Traffic A Freight Management Facility (FMF) is proposed adjacent to the Strategic Road Network at the A14/A12 Seven Hills Interchange. The facility will be located to the east of the A14 Orwell Bridge which is susceptible to periods of disruption and closures to traffic during inclement weather. Whilst procedures in place to manage incidents, and HE are developing measures to increase the resilience of the A14, there remains the likelihood of bridge closures. The promotor’s evidence indicates that the majority of construction traffic will originate from areas west of the bridge and therefore will need to cross it. Further clarity is needed around the proposed FMF location and whether viable alternative locations west of the A14 Orwell Bridge have been identified, and what criteria has been used to select the proposed location. We are concerned that during periods of disruption on the Orwell Bridge that inbound construction traffic using the A14 will not be able to reach the FMF. This will place reliance upon robust and effective protocols and systems to manage construction traffic movements. More detail and firm commitments from the promotor on the protocols expected to be followed by contractors as part of the Construction Traffic Management Plan are required to ensure resilience of the A14 Highway Impacts - A14/A12 Seven Hills Junction 58 The proposals may have a significant impact on the operation of the A14 slip road approaches to the A14/A12 Seven Hills Junction, particularly during the construction period. Discussions with the applicant on the scale and severity of potential traffic queues and safety implications are ongoing and are yet to be concluded.