Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Cllr Tony Cooper

Date submitted
28 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am focus on the immediate local effects on Leiston. The main issues I would like to raise and take forward to the examination are; 1. Transport. ? Controls are required for bus movements and monitoring of light vehicle movements to main development site and Park and Ride sites to ensure that impacts do not exceed those assessed in both the early years and peak years of construction. In addition, controls and measures to deal responsively with problems associated with informal “fly-parking” in Leiston. ? The effects that increased traffic will have on the town centre, residential areas and the main entrances into Leiston. The effect on King George Avenue (and the Town Centre) is not clearly identified in the DCO. ? Ensuring that cycle routes are safe and that improvements to the cycle network outside the DCO are supported to ensure they tie in with the proposed routes seamlessly and enhance the travel plan. ? Mitigation fund for construction and operational traffic in Leiston. 2. Socio – economic ? I would welcome the opportunities for employment and skills in Suffolk from the development, which would have real potential to create a positive long-lasting legacy in the region. ? Well over 80% of the construction work and workforce will be based in the parish of Leiston-cum Sizewell. ? Personnel movement into and out of the town to access services, leisure and businesses will put a lot of pressure on the amenity of local residents and will make huge changes to the current socio-economic activity. The effect on residents needs to be acknowledged and mitigated for. 3. Education and Skills ? The effort being put in by EDF to support Education and skills is welcomed and LTC would like to see further specific references and efforts put into ensuring that apprenticeships and skills are primarily sourced through Alde Valley Academy and Suffolk College on the Coast 4. Legacy benefits ? The provision of sports facilities is welcome. Not just within the Sports centre but also for local sports and social clubs within the town, Sport is not the only cultural or recreational activity in the town however and further mitigation in this area is requested. Especially as, during construction, the provided sports facilities, which are there for SZC workforce as did many during the Sizewell B construction, would not be as readily accessible as maybe wished by residents. I would want positive and wide ranging mitigation proposal to offset this for both residents and workers families which would need SZC Co. support. It will be important to ensure robust community cohesion during the inevitable upheaval this project brings and it is intended to provide an oasis for families where this can be achieved at not only the Waterloo Centre but also the Leiston Town Athletic association, where level 3 football is played and had SZB employees playing during their time in Leiston. 5. Monitoring and accountability ? I would like to see clear transparent mechanisms in place early in the project to ensure all predicted impact effects are monitored, reported upon and that action is taken where necessary. They would also support ESC in their comments regarding the assessments of some of the impacts throughout the DCO. 6. Associated infrastructure ? I would expect that the road signage from the A12 through to the site entrances need to be clear and need to have local input to incorporate and complement existing routing. 7. Labour Market ? A Major concern is with SZC Co. for the potential “leaching” of local workforce from local jobs to meet the rather high estimate of HB workers they suggest will come from local communities. Robust training and skills programmes have to be put in place to help counter this. 8. LEEIE. ? I fully support the Group as it removes rail movements and unloading activity proposed primarily at night from the centre of Leiston. 9. Household Waste and Recycling site, Lovers Lane. ? Increased traffic, particularly of HGV’s will have major impact on road safety for access to the Recycling centre, a safe solution is required. 10. Safety issues ? safety issues with DCO. for cyclists (and pedestrians) using the proposed DCO routes. There will be a desire to cross Lovers Lane near the bend by Kenton Hills where no provision exists in the application. This has to be addressed. ? There is also a real safety issue with cyclists using the (very welcome) cycle track along the east of Lovers Lane going South where the cycle lane stops and cyclists have to cross Sizewell Gap Road by a fast blind bend to get access to the existing cycle way on the south side of gap road. This needs to be examined. 11. Tourism. ? Mitigation is required to offset loss tourism. The requested public realm improvements in Leiston will help ensure that access remains desirable to the attractions there but there is concern about the wider, overall, effect that this project will have. 12, Mitigation Funds. ? Community ? Costed mitigation package for Leiston. ? Contribution towards highway improvements in and around Leiston to eliminate traffic through town centre. ? Improved cycle routes ? Should changes not be able to be made to Leiston recycling centre on Lovers Lane then a Financel mitigation fund be given to re-site. Cllr Tony Cooper