Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Revd. Christine Redgrave

Date submitted
28 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C which I believe is too vast for the area, and has the potential to inflict lasting damage on the neighbouring communities, East Suffolk and the environment. 1 THE SITE * It is at risk from coastal erosion, and sea level rise. * It is adjacent to sites of significant biodiversity - the Minsmere levels, RSPB Minsmere, NT. Dunwich Heath, Sizewell Belts etc. * It is in one of the driest parts of the country, and during construction requires large amounts of water, where will it come from and will extraction upset the ecological balance, leave farmers and householders short? * Long term storage of nuclear waste with rising sea levels and an unstable coastline. 2. WORK FORCE HOUSING. *The campus for 2400 workers is proposed to be built on a green field site, provides no lasting legacy for local towns and particularly for Leiston. * The housing market will be distorted, the low paid and local young people will be priced out especially as 1200 workers are expected to seek private rented accommodation at lower rents. Construction workers overnight accommodation allowance is £40.76 * The intention of turning private rented family accommodation into multiple occupancy could lead to social problems, health risks and parking issues. * EDF want to support the tourist industry but also to fill tourist accommodation with workers which it believes will be advantageous to owners. This fact will have a negative impact on the local economy- shops, heritage sites, museums, Snape Maltings Concert Hall etc, as Tourists will not be able to find accommodation. * Recruitment may take employees away from existing local businesses. 3. TRANSPORTATION OF MATERIALS AND WORKFORCE. I am concerned about the huge volume of traffic involved for the following reasons: * A12 and B1122 are totally inadequate for EDF's projections of huge increases in HDV's coaches and cars. Delays will be inevitable and rat-running caused. * A12 is single carriage in parts, and the two village by-pass and link road will not stop jams especially at times, when farmers are carting potatoes, onions, sugar-beet, barley, wheat etc. * Emergency Services and Community Nurses and Care workers will have added difficulty in reaching casualties and patients. Delays will result in deaths. Villages in the immediate area of Sizewell are at least 20 miles from General Hospitals. * The 2-3 year delay whilst the link road is built will cause added stress for villagers visits to the Medical Surgerys , Optician, Dentist and shops in Leiston and Saxmundham. * it will be very difficult to cross the A12 from all turnings off the A12. 4 POLLUTION AND HEALTH ISSUES. *Traffic fumes from vehicles will be increased especially in Yoxford, which are already at dangerous levels. * The spoil heaps 10 stories in height will cause dust pollution in the atmosphere especially in high winds and storms leading to allergies and chest complaints. * The constant stress of traffic and noise from construction day and night, and the difficulties of simply being able to get out to shops etc may well contribute to mental health issues. 5. THE ENVIRONMENT. * The effect of light and noise pollution, the extraction or pollution of water could be catastrophic upon the birds and ecology of Minsmere and the Minsmere Levels. * The reserve for over 70 years has worked to bring species back from the brink of extinction including the Avocet, Bitterns, Marsh Harrier. EDF's proposals do not appear to adequately protect Marsh Harriers even with the creation of new habitats. They are arguing that SZC has Imperative Reasons of Overriding Public Interest in this matter. I strongly disagree with this conclusion. Generations of dedicated naturalists have done important work at Minsmere. I wish to endorse the Relevant Representation submitted by Stop Sizewell C, RSPB, and Suffolk Wildlife Trust. I wish to state that I consider the Sizewell C Application to be too complex for a digital examination process. Christine Redgrave