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Representation by Anglian Water Services Ltd (Anglian Water Services Ltd)

Date submitted
28 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Thank for you the opportunity to comment on the Sizewell C Power Station project. Anglian Water is considered to be a statutory consultee for nationally significant infrastructure projects as identified in the Planning Act 2008 and associated regulations. The following representations are submitted on behalf of Anglian Water as sewerage undertaker for the above site: Impact on existing assets: There are existing sewers located within the boundary of the above project as shown on statutory asset plans. Draft DCO wording: Anglian Water is of the view that article 23 as drafted does not appear to be consistent. Paragraph (2) makes it clear that consent of the owner of the sewerage network is required to discharge water into it (subject to reasonableness); but paragraph (7) states that disputes must be determined in accordance with Section 106 of the Water Industry Act. However, consent is not required as part of the Section 106 process nor can the capacity of the received network which is considered to be a planning issue be taken into account. We would therefore suggest at that article 23 (7) (Discharge of Water) of the Draft DCO be replaced with the following wording: “(7) Any dispute arising from the making of connections to or the use of a public sewer or drain by the undertaker under paragraph (1) is to be determined in accordance with the arbitration provisions in article 82 (arbitration)” More generally we would query why it is considered necessary to include wording in article 23 (4) referring to deemed consent to discharge of water to the public sewerage network within 28 days as proposed. Protective provisions for Anglian Water: We have previously requested the inclusion of specific wording for the benefit of Anglian Water to ensure that we can continue to serve our customers and limit the potential for disruption to the services we provide. The suggested wording has been shared with the applicant for their consideration. It is noted that specific protective provisions for Anglian Water are not included in the current version of the DCO. Therefore, we ask that the Draft DCO is amended to include specific protective provisions for Anglian Water as previously requested. Therefore, we would wish to make a holding objection to Draft DCO wording for the reasons set out above. Land in Anglian Water's ownership: NNB Generation Company (SZC) Limited is seeking temporary possession of land in Anglian Water's ownership to provide access to a proposed construction compound for the proposed Yoxford Roundabout. We are currently in dialogue about this proposal but have yet to reach agreement about whether the principle is acceptable from Anglian Water's perspective. Connections to public sewerage networks: The majority of the foul and surface water drainage strategy for the proposed development does not appear to interact with Anglian Water's operated assets except for the land at Eastfield Industrial Estate. We would wish to comment further on the foul drainage strategy for land at Eastfield Industrial Estate. We would expect the Environment Agency and Suffolk County Council as Lead Local Flood Authority to comment on the suitability of proposed method of foul and surface water drainage where it not expected to connect to the public sewerage network. In the event that the method of foul and surface water were to require a connection to the public sewerage network following approval we would wish to be consulted to ensure that any revised strategy is sustainable and that there is no detriment to our customers. Should you have any queries relating to this response please let me know.