Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Pamela Hargreaves

Date submitted
28 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am confirming that I am against the plans to build Sizewell C, for several reasons. It is not appropriate to plan or to build the 'largest construction in Europe' in a small area of Outstanding Natural Beauty - Sizewell, Suffolk. It would disregard our National need to protect our heritage and environment and would impinge on neighbouring precious areas, such as Minsmere. Nuclear power is outstandingly expensive and the need for more another power station is outdated. To use Chinese investment to cope with the expense is clearly not wise and, as they already have an input into our energy supplies, potentially dangerous to our way of life. Such a complex construction would need highly specialised engineers and technicians to be brought in to the area, thereby creating very few local jobs and all this for massive local disruption and devastation. I think that plans for Sizewell C should be rejected and scrapped before any more money is wasted.