Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Ms Meg Amsden

Date submitted
28 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The development of Sizewell C in the middle of the AONB, would have a damaging impact on Sizewell Marshes SSSI, the local wetland and all its wildlife - including otters. Otters were driven to extinction in Suffolk forty years ago by poisons in the watercourses. It is believed a tiny population survived at Minsmere. Suffolk otters having now recovered, there is a healthy population of them in the Sizewell area. They are frequently seen at Minsmere, where they are a big draw for eco-tourism, which plays a vital part in the local economy. They are highly protected under European and UK law, but your proposals will destroy large areas of their precious feeding and breeding habitat and will interrupt their movement around their home ranges. They are also shy creatures and the effect of brightly lit and noisy building works for several years will have a disastrous impact on them. My chief concern is: · Loss of 10 hectares of SSSI to concrete · Damaging and irreversible changes in ground and surface water, which are vital for otters’ food supply and ability to travel around their habitat. · Creation of an inappropriate (culvert) crossing which we suspect the otters will not use since they do not choose to travel underground unless there is absolutely no other option (such as crossing a huge busy dangerous car-park) .