Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Mrs Brenda Pauline Lavender

Date submitted
28 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am an owner occupier of a property beside the A12 Marlesford , a small village north east of Wickham Market. I am aware of the EDF proposals for the Sizewell C Project ,which if approved, will have implications for me and the community of Marlesford, throughout the anticipated 9-12 years construction period. Whilst acknowledging the potential benefit long term to the local economy, I also perceive that there are also disadvantages to this part of Suffolk. The two key issues about which I have particular concern and wish to comment on are: THE SOUTHERN PARK AND RIDE THE TWO VILLAGE BYPASS A12 THE SOUTHERN PARK AND RIDE: I consider the proposed location for this facility on the top of a hill between Hatcheston and Marlesford overlooking a special land scape of the rivers Ore and Deben as wholly inappropriate, constituting an intrusion into into an otherwise rural landscape. I am concerned that plans for drainage and lighting are shown as "not for approval" How then will these aspects be effectively managed? I am particularly worried about light Pollution, and measures to ensure preserving "dark Skies" This latter issue is pertinent , if indeed the site is to be lit for 24hours, and if as I understand that some of the lighting columns might be 10 metres in height. It is hard to imagine how this development would not but be vis.ible to the surrounding area. TWO VILLAGE BYPASS AND A12: The A12 road north of Wickham Market is a single carriage way and completely inadequate for the current volume of traffic. The effects of Sizwell C traffic combined with Scottish Power Renewables construction traffic, will compound this issue for the Villages of Marlesford and Little Glemham ,particularly in the light of an estimated up to 1000HGV movements per day. Junctions of Bell lane and B1078 with A12: The Bell Lane junction EDF has described this as" not requiring improvement". I challenge this. drivers frequently experience long delays in turning south, particularly at peak times. I observe this now as a pedestrian. I have to cross the road to access the village and the bus service. B1078 Drivers from Campsea travelling north also experience delays . The situation described here has obvious implications for traffic management and pedestrian safety. A safe Crossing for pedestrians is urgently needed currently, and will become more necessary if approval for the project is granted. I do not think a two Village By pass would ameliorate the present or potential future traffic situation on this stretch of the A12. Drivers would as now be searching alternative routes often on narrow local roads in order to avoid traffic congestion