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Representation by Mollett's Partnership (Mollett's Partnership)

Date submitted
28 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  1. Mollett’s Partnership is a family-owned, diversified farming business operating over a 37-acre land-holding spanning the parishes of Farnham and Benhall. 2. We object to a number of matters resulting from EDF’s overall development plans and one specific part of the associated development: the proposed Two Village Bypass (“2VB”). 3. Despite raising our concerns during every stage of consultation, EDF have ignored them or proposed inappropriate or inadequate mitigation. Their project will significantly impact our business and they have failed to adequately engage with us. We therefore wish to register as an Interested Party for the Sizewell C DCO application. 4. Our tourism-led business provides high-quality accommodation in six cottages and studios surrounding a tranquil, south-facing courtyard. This is complemented by a Certificated Location providing five pitches with electric hook-ups for touring caravans. 5. 1,000 guests choose to stay overnight with us annually and our peaceful, unspoilt, rural setting and ready access to the farm shop & café restaurant at Friday Street are major factors in that decision. 6. We turn over in excess of £100,000 annually and employ local people. The latest “Economic Impact of Tourism” report shows that visitor spend on accommodation can be multiplied by a further 2.27 to reflect spend on other local services (such as food, drink and attractions), with tourism in East Suffolk contributing £672 million to the economy and supporting 14,153 jobs. 7. Both accommodation and caravan site currently benefit from being well away from the closest part of the A12, a 50mph single carriageway. EDF’s red-line development boundary extends to the edge of our land-holding and, during 2VB construction, will bring noise, dust and disturbance to within touching distance of our guests, for several years. The proposed working hours, weekend working and working 24-hours-a-day will worsen these effects. 8. The proximity of the proposed 2VB will continue to blight our business beyond its construction and that of Sizewell C, for which we consider inadequate mitigation has been offered. Specific issues are the overall increase in traffic (particularly the excessive number of HGVs) and the noise created by vehicles accelerating away from the new roundabout at Friday Street (exacerbated by the proposed increase to 60mph). Compounding these issues will be Scottish Power’s windfarm projects. 9. We fully support the Parish Council’s alternative ‘East of Foxburrow Wood’ alignment. Inexplicably, EDF continue to ignore this better 2VB route – which offers construction benefits, avoids the destruction of veteran / ancient trees, and will minimise those significantly affected by noise, dust and visual intrusion along its route; particularly those surrounding the Grade II* listed Farnham Hall. 10. Our farming income is dependent on close co-operation with neighbouring farms. Crop irrigation is piped overland from bore holes and pumps at Friday Street, the route of which is severed by the 2VB, along with our historic vehicular and pedestrian access rights. No mitigation or compensation has been offered. 11. Surface water drainage from our land, plus the treated discharge from our sewage treatment plant, flows downhill towards Friday Street in a ditch that will be severed by the 2VB. We see no evidence that this will be maintained or remain unimpeded in EDF’s proposals. 12. We reserve the right to amend, add to and expand on pour objections during the DCO process.