Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Brian Lowry

Date submitted
28 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C. This is too big a project for the present infrastructure of roads, our delicate and acclaimed wildlife habitats and at a time when many other energy projects have suddenly converged on our coastline. The Sizewell C nuclear reactor design has caused cost and time over-runs in France and Finland and currently at Hinkley Point. The cost to the taxpayer is currently almost twice that of alternative energy. By the time Sizewell would be built it would be years out of date. It is obvious the quality of life would be severely depleted for the people who live here and obviously harm a beneficial tourist industry. We could expect the arrival of a virtual town of thousands of migrant workers at a potential time of Covid emergency. EDF calls ‘local workers’ people who will travel from Norfolk Essex and Cambridgeshire. This will aggravate the proposed hundreds of HGVs per day driving through our road system. Country lanes will become rat runs. Scientists predict the next 10 years is our last chance to avoid climate disaster. Sizewell C will not ‘pay back’ its carbon until 2040. The RSPB and SWT organisations both flag up the irreparable damage to Minsmere, an area of international environmental importance. The Sizewell C site would be at real risk from climate change bringing sea level rise, increased tidal surges and storms resulting in inevitable flooding. It is predicted Sizewell could become an island in the next 30 years. Sizewell C will produce waste lethal to living tissue, remaining so for thousands of years and for which there is no agreed or proven disposal. It is morally wrong that future generations will have to deal with it. I wish to endorse the Relevant Representation submitted by Stop Sizewell C, RSPB and SWT.