Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Sally Wood

Date submitted
28 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C. 1. Radioactive Legacy for future generations. • No means of eventual safe disposal remaining dangerous for hundreds of years. • The reactors will need protection at all costs. We cannot predict future challenges. Many generations at risk for only 60 years of electricity generating potential. 2. Site and Design Selection. This is the wrong site. • This is a design that has yet to be proven. All are behind schedule and over budget and problematic. • Risks from climate change, flooding due to sea level rise. • Area could become an island with 5 reactors and stored waste. • Could potentially impact other coastal processes. • Sites of amenity, landscape and cultural heritage and internationally designated ecologically importance will be adversely impacted. Industrialisation of this coastline is inappropriate. • Other energy projects planned in the locality are uncoordinated. 3. Transport. • Basic road infrastructure for high levels of traffic movement, HGVs, buses, light goods and cars does not exist. • A possible feathering system for traffic will lead to widespread disruption preventing easy movement by local people. • Likely to cause rat running and disruption. • Adverse impact on visitor economy. • Rail movements will be noisy and disruptive at night, travelling through areas of high population, example Woodbridge. • No legacy value for planned relief road. • New roads will divide farmland and communities and adversely affect footpath network. 4. Environment and landscape. • Pollution from light noise and traffic. • Flooding. • Issues around dust management. • There cannot, and will never be, adequate compensation or mitigation for damage that will be caused to ecology and landscape. • Risks to environment and to protected species from water abstraction. • Minsmere is a flagship destination of international importance and significance. Construction will lead to irreparable harm. • Supply of 3 million litres of potable water and drainage for construction and after completion is uncertain. Abstracting water could compound environmental risks and to protected species. • CO2 from construction will not be offset for at least 6 years. • This is a massive development, totally out of scale with existing coastline. • Impacts on marine ecology. • Rates of coastal erosion and sea level rise unpredictable. 5. Economic and social impacts on communities. • Unacceptable impacts – significant increases in traffic, disruption, noise and light pollution and severance. • Tourism will lose revenue and jobs. EDF suggest 29% of visitors could be deterred. • Public beach access denied whilst under construction. • 6000 workers will come and live in the area. Pressure on health, social and emergency services, impacts on vulnerable people, local housing especially private rental. • Local business negatively impacted, from traffic and loss of staff. • Local jobs likely to be in ‘site support’ lower skilled and lower paid. I wish to endorse the relevant representation submitted by RSPB, Suffolk Wildlife Trust and Stop Sizewell C and to state that I consider the Sizewell application to be totally unsuitable for a digital examination process. Due to Covid-19 restrictions I have not been able to act upon my democratic right to take a full part in planning process.