Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Jan Hall

Date submitted
28 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am writing to object to the building of Sizewell C. Even if the process is not stopped immediately it should not go ahead without full local involvement and consultation which cannot happen during the pandemic. For that reason alone the project should be halted. It will have a terrible impact on this part of Suffolk to the people, the landscape and the wildlife. All three of which have a right to be protected. The traffic will be very disruptive and EDF have failed to adopt some of the very sensible plans proposed to them. The landscape and wildlife will also be badly damaged. The plans to destroy the old wood neat Sizewell even before permission to build is granted is clear proof that EDF are not concerned with protecting this very special part of Suffolk. The heavy trucks and the trains running through the night will be a nightmare for those close to this disruption and inconvenience everyone else. I do not want a nuclear plant partly owned by the Chinese, or where the Chinese have any involvement anywhere in this country. The recent concerns over the Chinese on security grounds and the concerns growing about what favours they expect from locals where they invest both confirm the folly of this route. The costal erosion could well be badly affected and global warming means we do not know how much of a problem this could be. Given that we do not know, we should not be building yet another nuclear plant in a place where erosion is a big issue. Finally, advancing technology means it is highly possible we will not need Sizewell C at all. To build something which produces nuclear waste which will last for 100s of years when we know it may not be needed is beyond reckless. EDF may well want to move quickly as this suits their costs by bringing workers from their previous nuclear build but this is no reason at all to go ahead. Overall the arguments are no longer compelling and to go ahead with this it needs to be over 99% compelling and proven and it is not. Therefore please stop now. Thank you Jan Hall