Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by S.Moss

Date submitted
28 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Suffolk as a rural county has areas of outstanding natural beauty and rare habitat therefore species of flora and fauna. The coast is already dominated by Sidewall A and B, which will never be truly safe or able to be removed and the natural habitat restored. The power plant can only produce power for a limited period and then becomes defunct but not safe. In these times when preserving the natural world is still vital, this is not the best way to invest in the production of power. It is not a clean energy and leaves toxic waste. With added traffic on road a rail for the building and running of the plant our air wil become more heavily polluted. This is not the way forward that we need it is a short cut at huge cost to the environment and local people's proximity to dangerous poisonous chemicals. We need to consider the living world not easy profit and big business enforcing it's wants. We the people of Suffolk say no, we don't want this power plant here or anywhere.