Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Ann Follows

Date submitted
28 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am a local resident living about eight miles from Sizewell. The proposed development will alter the environment, the economy and the quality of life of the local population for the duration of the building (which is estimated as taking ten years) and for many years afterwards. The environment. The development takes place across an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, the destruction of the area will have not only a negative affect on the wildlife under the footprint of the building, but disrupts the whole area around which has become a successful area for re-introduction and growth of many species. The economy. The whole area in this part of Suffolk depends upon tourism. The overwhelming impact of construction traffic and physical destruction on the beach and coastline will stop tourists visiting. Many of the jobs being created will be filled by external workforce, there is no argument that this development will bring jobs in. Quality of life of residents. The whole area will be overwhelmed by a) Lorries and other construction vehicles using the small roads; b) the size of temporary workforce numbers; c) the noise, lighting and site activity will severely suppress the quiet rural life we live here. Today the government has pledged to protect the natural countryside, this development Absolutely cuts across this pledge.