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Representation by Tim Pennick

Date submitted
28 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My objection relates to the long term environmental, and ecological danger posed by the building of a new nuclear facility, including unquantifiable danger to human life over a wide area. Although nuclear power produces little carbon, it does generate highly dangerous radio-active waste, for which I believe no satisfactory disposal procedure has been identified. This waste will remain dangerous for thousands of years. Equally the buildings of all of the Sizeleww nuclear installations will likewise require maintenance in order to preserve their integrity for thousands of years, during which time it is impossible to predict the ability of local civilisation to prevent them from falling into a dangerous state of disrepair. Next to this, the generation of power for possibly the next fifty years, followed by the requirement to build a further installation seems like vanishingly small benefit for enormous long-term cost.