Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by William Kendall

Date submitted
28 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I submit that this enormously complex application is not suitable for a digital process at a time when people have other priorities. it should be rejected or suspended. The Sizewell site is not suited to such an enormous project when others in the UK are far better and safer for a nuclear installation. It is a very fragile coast, the site is too small based on government requirements and building would cause severe and irreparable environmental damage. The proposal would do severe and lasting damage to the local economy threatening more local jobs than it could create. Having lived nearby during the building of Sizewell B which was a much smaller scheme and at a time when the economy was weaker, I know that the planned influx of workers will undermine local social order and health and social provision. It will leave a legacy of deprivation as happened with Sizewell B despite promises to the contrary. The roads led plan to construct is unsustainable and it will completely overwhelm existing infrastructure and threaten normal life and the working of the local economy. Building Sizewell C as proposed would do untold harm to world famous nature and landscapes at Minsmere and elsewhere.