Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by R T Rainger

Date submitted
29 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The EDF SZC construction and subsequent operation will have a significant impact on the immediate locality and region as a whole. The DCO process only explores the impact of construction of the facility and does not take into account the operational implications, these are explored in separate ONR and EA consultations. My concern is as a resident of the A1094. While EDF suggest the site traffic will take employees and deliveries via the more northern Yoxford route, this is unlikely to be the case with traffic following Sat Nav guidance. Traffic volumes on the A1094 are already at a level that makes egress on to the road a considerable challenge, this is further exacerbated by issues around speeding and the general increase in HGV and agricultural vehicle size. There are other traffic concerns caused by EDF's failure to deliver the transport Modal Split previously postulated. The locality is served by a network of low grade roads and lanes, any disruption to the 'normal' flow of traffic results in delays and disruption - (such disruption is common in the area as it is regularly under pressure from seasonal tourism traffic.) pushes traffic to resort to 'rat runs' spoiling the tranquility of areas for many residents. There will be significant detrimental impact from the high volumes of traffic over the sustained (10 - 15 year) construction phase, the sort of disruption from which the locality will never recover. I also have a concern about the lack of clarity with respect to how the potable water needs of the project will be met. If EDF and Anglian Water are unable to provide clarity on this important project element (a significant risk to the project if it cannot be delivered) then how can we be assured that the work to deliver water to the site will not add road closures and disruption to the proposed Northern route availability. Clearly other issues include those raised by others in many ways, including - the Environmental consequences of construction; the ecological impacts; the impact on flooding and coastal erosion; the social impacts from high volumes of personnel. I have seen the responses from the local groups and organisations on this project and recognise the concerns they raise on this construction project. I also have a concern with respect to the suitability of the NSIP DCO process to deliver a comprehensive consideration of this project. There are other significant infrastructure project proposed in the locality, however the NSIP process only considers those projects 'on the table', this is a flaw in that it does not allow for true consideration of the total impact or cumulative impacts from numerous individual projects. It does not allow for consideration of the traffic from SZC with the added impact of Scottish Power for EA one North, EA Three and the Galloper and Gabbard extensions, Nortilus and Eurolink cables along with the National Grid proposals for coastal cables connecting to Kent. How can so many power projects be contemplated in so few square miles, without real consideration of the cumulative impact of their consequences. While this clearly has consequences for traffic levels etc it is particularly concerning that the cumulative Environmental impacts are not reviewed how can the best Environmental out come be achieved without such cumulative consideration?