Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Dr Thomasin Andrews

Date submitted
29 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Firstly, I think a digital consultation process is wholly inadequate for this huge infrastructure development which will impact on the lives of the people of East Suffolk and on our fragile coastline for the next 100 years. We have many older people and disadvantaged communities of people who are less able to express their views and who are disenfranchised by this process. The impact on the rural towns and communities whose lives will be ruined by the traffic running through pristine countryside is monstrous. The coast is so fragile and dynamic and the effects of this construction on the shore drift has not been adequately assessed and the plans for the construction itself are incomplete - how can this be? this shore line has been dynamically changing for 1000s of years and the changes in the last 500 years are mapped and evident for anyone to see. If there is impact that threatens towns, habitats, farmland, our rivers - then this should be legally wrapped into the agreement and any effects which impact on our lives and livelihood paid for and compensated by the company (which profits from this project)- this needs to be in law and in the contract. What happens when EDF goes bankrupt and the contracts are taken over and rewritten? We get screwed. The technology is going to be obsolete before this is up and running - there are real questions about whether it will ever work/ look at Hinckley point/ and real concerns that by the time it comes on line we will have much cleaner energy, without all the problems of the huge environmental cost of the build (concrete- the biggest single producer of greenhouse gases, the transport, the nuclear waste). The crunch point for our power needs will hit before Sizewell C is ready. It will be an enormous white elephant wrecking our coast line for 100 years and more. Look at the Wapping Power Project. We have wind farms off shore bringing in their power-lines (in a chaotic unmanaged way also wreaking havoc on our coasts and heaths – and without due concern/ process for the impact - always at a cost favour to the international companies and never with the oversight and foresight that these projects need). It is woeful. This is more of the same.