Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Harriet Bowes

Date submitted
7 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Sizewell C - I am concerned about the fragile coast line, will the construction make erosion worse? How well is the North Sea understood. How will the radio active waste be stored? What about climate change? What will happen in an extreme weather event? Where does the water come from for use in the power station? Will the coast and protected heathland (AONB) be protected from the development or will it become damaged? Access roads would destroy part of an SSSI. What about woodland lost due to the construction site where rare butterflies inhabit (eg White Admiral and the rare Norfolk Hawker dragon fly)? Drainage of the surrounding marsh land would damage the special sites. Places like these are special, they need to be protected.