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Representation by Mrs Rosemary Newnham (Mrs Rosemary Newnham)

Date submitted
29 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

. Health and safety: I have recently noticed an increase in traffic through our village- convoys of 8-10 heading South at about 0700 and North at 1600 hrs. It is becoming a "rat-run" and we don't want to be over-run by rats! . Mental and physical well-being of residents and tourists (the latter come to unwind). Loss of freedom to explore the coast and its footpaths through heathland and forestry.Sacrifice of an AONB. . Loss of domestic water supply- too many planning permissions are being given in the area of the village-there is very little slack in the housing market; this is one of the dryest regions in the country.