Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Michael Nash

Date submitted
29 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We find the whole Sizewell C proposals illogical and inappropriate for the following main reasons. Battery storage is going to improve over the next 10 years being fed by renewables that have little human and environment impact e.g. off-shore wind turbines The site is in an area with NT, RSPB land and an AONB, with the threat of flooding During construction the roads will be congested with a huge environmental and social impact. There will be rat runs and lives and villages greatly affected. If it should go ahead, why not use sea transport? The campus is in the worst possible place and with 5000+ workers there will be major impacts on the local services e.g. hospitals, GP surgeries The area relies greatly on visitor revenue, this will be severly affected A couple of years ago I raised several concerns about the project. I never, ever heard anything back from anybody, including the people I spoke to directly. I guess this will be another 'tick box' evercise i.e. not read Please think again and about the failures of nuclear in France, UK (Hinkley Point) and elsewhere. It's also unaffordable...............